Zelina–Popup Chat for Shopify
Add a Round-the-Clock Partner to your Customer Service Team
Zelina(™) Popup Chat
transforms how ecommerce businesses engage with their website visitors, greeting them with pop-up special offers and personalized assistance as they browse through their websites.
Nicknamed Zelina, this advanced ecommerce BOT creates a direct link with visitors through screen pop-ups, providing personal attention and service that could turn them, whether they are just looking or resolute shoppers, into customers.
Draw Visitors into Sales Conversations
When a visitor comes to a site, Zelina will make a special-offer screen pop up and a chat box appears, asking whether he has any questions, thus adding a personal touch to his visit that may well be the deciding factor that prompts him to buy.
As David Ker, chief operating officer of ZINation, explained, a visitor tends to spend no more than 21 seconds at a product site before switching to another website. Zelina was conceived so that eCommerce stores can take full advantage of those very few seconds to generate sales, he said.
Personalize your Messages For Visitors in Seconds
Programming custom messages to engage with visitors can be done in no time. Create your “zapplet,” write your message, activate it, and voila! Your personalized message will greet visitors and customers in a very unique way.
Bring a Multi-Dimensional Tool into Action
Zelina involves a combination of programs and features working together to put this Virtual Assistant at the service of online stores.
This starts with ZINa(™) Virtual Assistant enabling a store owner to use its design studio to create a pop-up box featuring an offer prompted when visitors come to his site.
As the pop-up box appears, a chatbot comes into play, bringing up the chat screen and inviting people to ask any questions they may have. This seamless chain of events is put in place through programmable triggers that are up to the store owner to activate as he sees fit.

Cloud-based Drag&Drop Studio for your Rich Media Contents Production
The range of screen pop-ups and chat content made possible by Zelina reflects the flexibility found in all ZINation Catalog Maker features. This advanced product-catalog design and management software enables an ecommerce business to strengthen its online presence by providing the means to easily design, populate, update, publish exceptional and personalized product catalogs to better reach prospective buyers. And since the design software is built around a complete cloud-based solution, a store owner needs no other design software—and no design experience—to create catalogs.
With minimum time investment and technical knowhow, ZINation Catalog Maker gives ecommerce businesses the flexibility to publish with ease and speed products ranging from their foundation catalogs to versions tailored to specific wholesalers, market segments, shopping seasons, niche markets or individual customers.
Program Responses Most Relevant to Your Business to Convert Visitors into Customers
With Zelina, store owners will be able to program answers for the chat based on questions their customers most often ask using Zelina‘s live-chat automation messaging application—a chatbot with multichannel capability. Answers to prepare may range from product characteristics and availability to delivery schedule.
As for special requests and questions beyond the customary ones, visitors will be invited to leave contact information for a customer service person to get in touch with them during working hours. This may not only help convince customers to briefly wait for the live follow-up shortly to take place, but it will also contribute to building the store’s prospective-client database.
ZINation Technical Support at your Service
Zelina involves a combination of programs and features working together to put this Virtual Assistant at the service of online stores.
Zelina (™) Virtual Assistant enabling a store owner to use its design studio to create a pop-up box featuring an offer prompted when visitors come to his site.